четверг, 23 января 2020 г.


Mania puts your ship at its highest level at all times, but also causes enemies to explode into a burst of bullet fire. The Purple weapon is a medium powered attach which fires multiple homing lasers. It is very bizarre, looks out of place, but also very powerful. It does lots of damage and lasts a surprisingly long time. Additionally, not getting killed at the end of the level gives 2x to all the bonuses, and no bombing adds another 2x. It makes short work of bosses, but unfortunately does not cover much of the screen. The purple sub weapon shoots missiles that fire forward, doing good damage. flame zapper kotsujin

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flame zapper kotsujin

The red weapon is a standard spread shot and default weapon. The yellow bomb has a large hand show up on the screen and shoot lightning from the palm.

The music also reflects this, with some damn fine FM synth music. While the purple weapon and sub weapon may seem underwhelming, the purple bomb is amazing, as it calls in a fleet of ships which cover the screen with flamee. It is very bizarre, looks out of place, but also very powerful. While the graphic design is hardly innovative, the sprites are well designed — for one, the main ship is vaguely shaped like a skull. Mania puts your ship at its highest level at all times, but also causes enemies to explode into a burst of bullet fire.

Flame Zapper Kotsujin

It does, however, shoot through walls and indestructible obstacles. The Yellow weapon is a very powerful, compressed attack in the shape of a crest. All real boss fights begin with a brief introduction stating kotzujin name and the level they are the boss of.

It consists of multiple yellow tentacles that slowly spin around your skull ship and destroy anything that comes near. Collecting the emblems makes subsequent emblems worth more points. Additionally, not getting killed at the end of the level gives 2x to all the kofsujin, and no bombing adds another 2x. Unfortunately, the second boss Apocalypse uses this exact same attack, kotssujin it can be confusing which attack belongs to who when fighting it.

Afterwards, a miniboss is shown as the one firing the lasers.

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Every so often, huge emblems iotsujin the letters CO2 on them appear. If an emblem falls off the screen, their point values go back down to the minimum. Yellow is the power weapon, with it doing the most damage out of all of the normal shots.

flame zapper kotsujin

Collecting these are not only worth more points, but also help make your small emblems worth more points unless the chain is broken. Even though you could start at level five and complete the game from there, CO2 Pro was nice enough to start the game with enough credits that even a novice could complete the game on normal mode.

It makes short work of bosses, but unfortunately does not cover much of the screen. The red sub weapon is far more interesting, blasting homing missiles that lock onto enemies and slowly head straight toward them. The Purple weapon is a medium powered attach which fires multiple homing lasers.

As they get closer and closer, a fancy pseudo-rotation effect is used to show your ship doing an evasive maneuver. Additionally, you can choose which level you start at on the configuration menu. While it looks fantastic in motion, it does have a rather large status bar on the side of the screen, in order to replicate the vertical aspect ratio of many arcade shooters, making the action feel slightly cramped. Sometimes cool things happen that come out of nowhere, like in the first level.

Your armament consists of three colored power-ups, which determine your primary gun, your sub weapon and your bomb attack.

flame zapper kotsujin

Huge lasers are motsujin near the end. It does lots of damage and lasts a surprisingly long time. It does weak damage, but covers most of the screen when powered up to the highest level. The levels are relatively lengthy, scroll fast, and have a very old-school feel. The game is completely in English, and while the boss names are not necessary to gameplay, it is pretty cool to be able to understand every word of the story, even if it is a generic one.

Enemies try f,ame ram you very often, and since the yellow weapon is not going to hit all of them, the yellow sub weapon will hit the remaining ones. The purple sub weapon shoots missiles that fire forward, doing good ootsujin.

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